Well I definitely know I need to invest in a proper proving basket, I think the lack of one was what frustrated me about sour dough previously.
Anyway despite the slightly flatter appearance than I had hoped for the taste maked it well worth the wait! As I mentioned I left the sour dough to reside in the fridge all day in my salad spinner and then on my return from work took it out for a couple of hours to come up to room temperature. The trick is to then gently flop the bread onto the baking sheet which is easier said than done. I am not sure that the muslin was dusted heavily enough with flour as their was a bit of a struggle to get the dough free and then straight into a hot oven with a jug of water chucked into the bottom (into a baking tray of course) for some steam.
We had bread and jam this evening for supper still warm from the oven. D said he thought it had a 'good crust', I think he has been watching too much Paul Hollywood!
Other bits today have included having a read through my recipe booklet for the course, and writing a list for more things I still need to buy this weekend. Also I have picked a whole basket of delicious cooking apples from my garden. We seem to have a bumper crop this year which is great but rather annoyingly they are all falling off and landing on the driveway which I then keep driving over and squishing into the gravel. I picked a whole load up today shooing away all the wasps as I peeled the crushed fruit from the driveway. So my last job of the evening will be to find a cake recipe that uses Bramley's for tomorrow, and then I might see if I can add a photo of the loaf.
...and there's me thinking that because I could not stretch the budget this month to a stainless steel press I would have to put my cider making idea off till next year. Now I'm thinking we could cover the drive with windfall apples and crush them with the zafira.