Thursday 26 September 2013

Shopping for the scout overnight trip also brought with it 2 vital ingredients for my evening. White bread flour and fondant icing. Tonight is a practice night to see if I can manage to get my icing in a nice straight line on the top of my iced fingers! also I have decided to experiment (not too wildly) with a lemon flavour bun by incorporating a little lemon zest into my bun dough and I plan to add a little juice to the icing. So current state of affairs is that the shaped buns are proving whilst I make the packed lunches for the kids for tomorrow, still waiting for husband to return from work (haven't seen him for 2 days) hopefully he will be home soon bringing with him a bottle of wine.
Off to pop them in the oven now, my only concern is that my fondant icing looks a little different to that what we used in college on Tuesday (less shiny), hopefully as I warm it a little with the lemon it will gloss up. I will report back later.
Quick question tho, lots of  other recipes use icing sugar so why aren't we?

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