Saturday, 21 September 2013

Chelsea buns with Amaretto and marzipan

Today has been a lovely day, the first morning all week that I have slept until I woke instead of being woken by the alarm clock. Husband made me tea in bed and then we had bacon sarnies using the little loaf of white bread that I made at college on Tuesday (fortunately I am organised enough to have got it out of the freezer last night). Rushed off to Tesco's as got to get the weekly shop over and done with early before the Saturday crowds, and I have plans for the day which involve baking!
round as quick as I can as I can only stand doing this once  a week, have managed to write and more importantly remember to bring with me a shopping list. The most important things  being baking powder, dried mixed fruit and yeast. Now I usually buy the little sachets of instant yeast if I am baking bread unless I am making sour dough bread. But today I am on  the search for fresh yeast.
Having no luck just wondering around I head for the bakery to enquire as to the fresh yeasts whereabouts, I lovely gentleman informed me that I could not buy any but that he would give me some yeast for free!! I was absolutely amazed and delighted, for the first time ever Tesco's felt like a local and friendly shop, with helpful and kind staff. I waited and was presented with a little bag of about 70grams of yeast, which I stowed into my handbag almost guiltily.
I  rush home with excitement (I am obviously easily pleased).
My plan is to make Chelsea buns for the first time ever, and having had out the bottle of Amaretto yesterday I have plans!
And so I am using the sweet enriched dough basic recipe from my course recipe folder, having mixed this up in extra speedy time with my new kitchen aid,a big birthday requires a big pressie,I have a go at making my own recipe for the filling. Having looked at a few cook books I have decided to roll out the dough and sprinkle with 55grams of light muscavado sugar mixed with 2tsp of cinnamon, 125grams of dried mixed fruit which I have soaked in Amaretto for about an hour. On top of all this I cubed some marzipan (very small) and rolled it all up. I have always had a thing about almonds, I love bakewells and the denseness that ground almonds give to cakes and so I thought I would give it a whirl in a Chelsea bun. The results were spectacular ( have you seen the photo?-I am very proud, like a mother of her baby!), 30 mins proving time, 20mins in the oven and with the help of H to transfer them to the cooling rack ( for  some reason we needed 3 hands) we have buns!
Husband arrived back from rugby and was most impressed.
All this baking meant no dinner so we have had a lovely Chinese takeaway,and a delicious bottle of Cote du Rhone, Oh and of course Chelsea buns for dessert!!! Mmmmmm...

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