Wednesday 16 October 2013

Tart tatin and choux pastry

Last night at college we made our own puff pastry. We used 250g of butter in it and turned and turned it 6 times. I thought I would find it tedious but I found it quite enjoyable being methodical and gentle with the pastry. Next we made caramel (which was exciting but scary) for the tart tatin. I have a bucket list of recipes to cook and master before I die and tart tatin is on it! Didnt go quite to plan as need to use more apples and less caramel, however I think I know where I went wrong so next time hopefully it will be even better because although it was not the most attractive thing I have ever made it still tasted delicious! Choux pastry went well and eveyone thought my piccie of the swan was great. And work was pleased as I took eclairs in. So all in all a good night both the caramel and the lemon diplomat went extremely well and I feel like the tart tatin is a work in progress! Really enjoye myself again but knackered tonight.

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