Monday 21 October 2013

At last !!

Great news, got back my laptop today after having it repaired so am able to blog a little more comfortably. the extent of my baking this week has been a lemon drizzle cake, not very adventurous I know but comforting, zesty and moist. Delicious.
So at college this week we will be working on our tart tartins. I have got myself some pears which are just ripening and I am planning on spicing them with a little cinnamon, before covering with the pastry. My plan is to make my pastry circle a little bigger this week so that I can tuck it around the pears a little more and kind of tuck them in, with the hope of containing the caramel a little more than last week. Also all the recipes I have researched this week has popped a couple of holes in the pastry lid to allow the steam to escape during baking (makes sense really, not sure why I didn't last week). I will not be using quite so much of the caramel either this week, although I might slightly cook the pears in some caramel before assembling the tart.
And I've remembered to put my phone on charge so I can get my photos!
Fingers crossed for a better result this week.

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