Tuesday, 27 May 2014

From Disaster to Distinction!!

Disaster struck when following the theory test on pastes we went to the kitchen only to discover that the puff pastry I made last week to use tonight had not been taken out of the freezer!! Everyone elses pastry was out and sitting waiting for them to use and mine was a solid frozen block still residing in the freezer. Panic set in for a while but sense returned and off I went to start making my puff from scratch again!! Frangipane was made and after quite some delay a pithivier was made. Even the chef in the main kitchen thought it was great when I went to use his grill to add the final glaze! Final result was a distinction so all ended very happily in the end. The only bad bit is that the end of my course is in sight with only a few weeks and one assessment to go.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014


last night had a fantastic evening making streudel and a pithivier. We used fabulous lescure butter for the puff pastry and I put some cherry jam in the pithivier along with the almond pastry creme. A quick dusting with icing sugar and a flash under the grill gave it a beautiful glaze. The streudal was great fun to make. And we had no holes as we stretched it over the table!! One of my best nights at college so far.

great fun with streudel

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Tuesday nights muillefeuille

Lemon millefeuille with a lemon creme pat, lemon curd and raspberries.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

rhubarb delice with crystallised ginger shortbread and a deconstructed rhubarb crumble!

the jaconde sponge let me down. But overall great taste and amazing shortbread

Tonights parfait

Rhubarb parfait with a brandy snap basket. Third time lucky with the basket. Really happy finished early and got a distinction for this one.