Saturday 8 February 2014

Rhubarb and Custard macaroons

Wanted to have another practice with the macaroons this weekend as I have my assessment on Tuesday. Decided to try another flavour combination and I have gone for rhubarb macaroons with a custard buttercream filling. The macaroons piped well and of the 48 I made ( I need 24 perfect ones to make 12 perfect macaroons) I definately had enough good ones to display a set of 12. The flavour of the macaroons could have been slightly stronger as the rhubarb was quite subtle. Kids love them. Hubbie says, "nice, but it's not a sausage roll is it!!" however he thought the smaller size was an improvement- as he hasn't got a sweet tooth- a slight problem when you are married to a cake baker!!! overall I'm pleased. Took a piccie.....

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