Tuesday 8 April 2014

D and I make croissants at home

half tern so no college tonight. D and I have rolled out some fresh croissant dough. see the before and after pictures.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Chocolate Souffle

Last night at college we all seemed a little tired. Maybe end of term exhaustion. But we made chocolate souffle which I found too soft and eggy, although my tutor thought they tasted good. I just think soufle is not my thing. We also made more jaconde sponge for use with a parfait. I was very kindly given some rhubarb from a friends allotment so I took it to college and purreed it and made it into a parfait. We made it with italian meringue and a sabayon and whipped cream.... Delicious.  I had hoped to also make a rhubarb mousse to make into a delice but at 9pm I was so tired I went home a bit early. We get another go at practicing this after half term.